Warren County, established in 1800 was named on the behalf Joseph Warren, Revolutionary War general and has a total area of 898 sq mi. The County seat and the largest city is Warren. The total population of the county is over 41K people with ethnic racial makeup including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with 17.6K households and 12K families.
The search tool of the Warren County data website has been such designed and developed so as to ensure hassle-free, well-liked web experience. Information on birth records with birth volume numbers, marital status and marriage registration page, divorce decree, ancestral SSN and census index including martial achievements of the war heroes of World War I&II and civil wars along with military achievement specifics, land assessment and property registration deeds, probate and liens comprising will, custody and lawful credentials, civil court proceedings with adoption and adoptee details thus certainly enrich the extensive online data studies.