Covering an area of 861 sq mi and having a total population of over 0.2 million with ethnic racial makeup including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others with more than 81K housing units and 56K families, Washington County was established in 1781 with Washington as the county seat and the leading metropolis. It was named in the honor of George Washington, the first President of United States.
Washington County records index with its systematic search process and effective interface makes the research, a sort of life time experience. You can hence easily procure information on birth and origin history, marital status along with marriage registration page and volume number, death and demise reports with obituary and burial details, military service history with enlistment particulars, adoption and adoptee specifics including inheritance and guardianship details, World War I&II and American civil war records, last will and estate reports with probates and liens, civil court proceedings and so on in a most comfortable and convenient way like never before.