Wayne County, established in 1798, was named on the behalf of Anthony Wayne, Revolutionary War General and has a total area of 751 sq mi. The County seat and the largest city is Honesdale. The total population of the county is over 52K people with ethnic racial makeup including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with around18K households and 12.9K families.
The public and vital statistics of Wayne County data archive play significant role when it comes to the study of genealogy. Information related to birth and origin history, death and demise details including obituary and burial news, marital status and divorce verdicts, ancestral Social Security Numbers, naturalization and immigration reports, World War I&II and American civil war records, military duty and grade along with martial service history, real estate and property assessment deeds, probates and liens and civil war proceedings with adoption and adoptee minutes and thus stands out to be the significant sources for the thorough lineal researches over the net!!!